Monday 20 January 2014

Intrucduction of page and it contents by Admin: ThankGod Onukwube.

Welcome to St. Silas Anglican Youth Fellowship (AYF),ugwueke,Abakpa-nike Enugu state Nigeria. The Fellowship is aimed in training and developing individual members in the true doctrine of Christianity with the view to attaining the standards required of a true follower of Christ by making ourselves useful not only to the Church and Community but becoming good citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

 The Principal aim and objective of the Fellowship is to train and develop individual members in the true doctrine of Christianity with a view to attaining the standards required of a true follower of Christ by making ourselves useful not only to the Church and Community but becoming good citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The highpoints of the aim and objective include;

 – To teach the members the efficacy of Prayer as to improve their prayer life style.

 – To enable members learn individually and collectively, the meaning of Christian Faith and its relevance to daily life.

– To lead the young people to offer themselves wholly into the service of God and humanity and to become faithful witness for Jesus Christ.

– To engage in the development of body and mind of Youths spiritually and mentally.

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